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Unbeleafable Art and Plants by Sarah

Larvikite Point

Larvikite Point

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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Larvikite is a unique and beautiful crystal with various healing properties. Here are its notable benefits:

  • Grounding: Larvikite has a strong grounding energy that connects one to the Earth. It promotes stability and balance, helping to anchor one's energy during times of stress or uncertainty.
  • Protection: This crystal serves as a protective shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. It creates a sense of safety and security, helping to ward off negativity and unwanted influences.
  • Psychic Abilities: Larvikite enhances psychic abilities and intuition. It aids in the development of psychic skills such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and astral projection.
  • Emotional Healing: Larvikite promotes emotional healing by soothing feelings of stress, anxiety, and emotional wounds. It encourages emotional balance and resilience, fostering inner peace and tranquility.
  • Creativity: Larvikite stimulates creativity and inspiration. It helps to access one's creative potential and express ideas with clarity and confidence.
  • Self-Discovery: This crystal facilitates self-discovery and personal growth. It encourages self-reflection and introspection, helping one to uncover hidden truths and explore their innermost desires.
  • Insight: Larvikite enhances mental clarity and insight. It aids in problem-solving and decision-making, allowing one to see situations from a broader perspective.
  • Spiritual Connection: Larvikite deepens spiritual connection and awareness. It facilitates meditation practices, helping one to connect with higher realms and spiritual guides.

Overall, Larvikite is a versatile and supportive crystal that promotes grounding, protection, and spiritual growth. Whether worn as jewelry, placed in your home, or used during meditation, it can bring a sense of stability and insight to your life.

As with all crystals, the healing properties are based on metaphysical beliefs and should not replace medical advice or treatment. It's essential to use crystals as complementary tools in conjunction with other forms of therapy or treatment for holistic well-being.

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